Monday, December 27, 2010

Audio fruitcake: "It Really Is (A Wonderful Life)" by Mindy Smith


One of my family's Christmas traditions is to venture over to Carytown on Christmas night and catch a showing of It's a Wonderful Life at the Byrd. Sitting in the worn out seats for the duration of the film's 130 minute run time (plus an additional 10-15 minutes beforehand for the Sing-A-Long with Bob Gulledge and the Mighty Wurlitzer Organ) is a real test of ass-durance, but we do it for George, Mary, and Christmas. My mouth's bleeding, Bert! My mouth's bleeding!

This song by Mindy Smith, off of her 2007 album My Holiday, doesn't really have anything to do with the Frank Capra classic other than kind of using the movie's title, but it's a good Christmas song nonetheless.

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