When I moved into my first apartment, in Fredericksburg, my friends and I adopted (read "abducted") a tiny frog from the lawns nearby. Pablo was his name, if memory serves, and he was a short-lived (literally) member of our community. It was a sad day when Pablo, my friend Marc, and I were hanging out on our third-floor balcony; Pablo jumped. We watched him sail slowly, slowly down, until the inevitable "smeck" of his striking the concrete rain gutter below.
This blog post? It's what Drunky would have wanted.
We should have IWDWHW bracelets made. I thought of a good way to describe him to newcomers: Jesus' T.A.
This morning Drunky had me wake up to the Power Station's "Some Like It Hot" on my clock radio. Thank you, Drunky!
are you serious? man, Drunky works in mysterious ways!
feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel the heat!
When I moved into my first apartment, in Fredericksburg, my friends and I adopted (read "abducted") a tiny frog from the lawns nearby. Pablo was his name, if memory serves, and he was a short-lived (literally) member of our community. It was a sad day when Pablo, my friend Marc, and I were hanging out on our third-floor balcony; Pablo jumped. We watched him sail slowly, slowly down, until the inevitable "smeck" of his striking the concrete rain gutter below.
RIP Pablo or whatever your name was.
Drunky brought us Annett Louisan.
Golly, she's hot! Thank You, Drunky!
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