Nice choice, Micah. As a viewer of 30 Rock did you notice that Ms. Fey's stock went up around midseason? Seriously, I don't know if it was her, the producers/brass, or the stylists that sparked the change, but she really stepped her hotness game up around episode 6 or 7.
Nice choice, Micah. As a viewer of 30 Rock did you notice that Ms. Fey's stock went up around midseason? Seriously, I don't know if it was her, the producers/brass, or the stylists that sparked the change, but she really stepped her hotness game up around episode 6 or 7.
spydrz - Please do not utter that on my blog again. Ever.
reg - Yeah, Tina was looooooooooong overdue for being a Crush. I hadn't notice the change, but I've found her foxy since the first day I saw her.
You're on notice.
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