Sunday, December 10, 2006

Blessed are the Italian-American pugilists

Rocky as a Christian theological study? Now I really have to see this movie.

In other news, make way for the U2Charist.


jasdye said...

well, i already had my short post on stalloney - the new Christ figure for the new era. (alas, you forgot to mention the 'Rambo as Christian Warrior' movie.)

but the U2charist? i'm neither Catholic nor Anglican (aka 'Wangsta-Catholic'), but even i think that's sacrilege. and cheesy. and hokey.

oh, and desperate.

Micah said...

I've been derelict in reading my fave blogs, so I look forward to your take on Sly. And how could I forget the new Rambo movie?

As for the U2 thing, whatever puts butts in the pews...

jasdye said...

that's the problem...

church isn't a moviehouse. it should be much, much more exciting and thrilling than it is. but not cheap.

sorry. pet peeve.

Micah said...

Point taken. But you're going to hate the teaching series based on "The A-Team" that I've developed.

jasdye said...

is that the one where God the Father says to BA Holy Spiritus (after sending Satan running), "I love it when a plan comes together"?

Micah said...

Shhhhhh. Don't ruin it for everyone.