Well, another Halloween has come and gone (or it will in a couple of hours). Time to pack up the decorations and pretend I don't listen to "Monster Mash" or "Thriller" during the other eleven months of the year.
I had 18 kids Trick or Treat at the house. The best costume was a giant olive. A kid with Syndrome of a Down had a kick-ass Batman costume.
I finally got to see the Desperate Housewife (oh, I hope she's desperate) that moved in next door up close. Yummy mummy, as we said in college. I also met her husband.
Because I bought 6 bags of candy, I am left with a metric shit-ton of it left. If I had a Delorean, I'd go back in time and give each kid 1/3 of a bag.
Currently, I have two specials on exorcisms and The Exorcist: The Beginning sitting unwatched on my DVR. I'm saving them to watch during daylight hours this weekend because I'm a wuss.
I've had the Halloween theme playing on a constant loop at the front door since 6 pm. I am REALLY sick of it and will shut it off as soon as I post this.
I'm going to have to pull some serious gym overtime because of all this candy consumption. I'm going to start tonight. Okay, maybe not.
I called the fam back in VA and heard about my nephews and niece's night. They were an army man, a cardboard box, and a ladybug, respectively. My mom's new puppy was a pumpkin. My sister was Frenchy from Grease. Seeing them all on Halloween is one of the main reasons that I want to move back.
And here's a totally random, barely relevant "Arrested Development" quote because I'm in the mood (due to watching the 2nd season DVDs every night for the past week):
Michael: So, this is the magic trick, huh?
GOB: 'Illusion', Michael. A 'trick' is something a whore does for money. (*sees the children right next to him*) Or candy!
AD quotes are always relevant, and highly appropriate.
I'm not ready to pronounce "AD" as the new "Simpsons," but it is highly quotable.
Watching it on DVD is great because there are so many things you miss the first time. Plus, by watching the episodes back to back, you really see all of the running gags.
I have become a stereotype. The crochety old lady sitting on her front porch drinking wine and pinching all the little kids' cheeks. A good time was had by all and I got to meet some of the neighbor folk, who were all drinking on their porches, too. And I think my cleavage earned me a few come ons from some dads with less than their fair share of teeth.
They must not have brushed their teeth after trick or treating as kids.
Speaking of staring at your cleavage, are you and D still coming to C-Bus this weekend?
Well, D has just pushed the trip back a weekend, if that's okay. Her bro has Guard training this weekend and won't be in Cow Town... so I guess we'll be up there the 12th. Can you still fit us in?
Cool beans. That works out better because I should have my car back by then.
Well, then you'd miss out on a sweet ride in my new car that actually has air conditioning...
I forgot about your car. Still loving it?
I think it's the next best thing to a committed relationship. Smooth, sensual and reliable.
Seriously. I had no idea I'd love seat warmers as much as I do!
Butt warmers rock. Just wait until it gets really cold out...
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