My new hoody Greenhorn. If you know me, you know that a hoody is part of my standard autumn/winter apparel and I'm happy to get another one. He is the product of an ambiguous K-Mart ad* and joins my other zip-up hoodies Graybeard, Blueball, Spiderboy, and the Professor. Excelsior!
*The ad said "30% off" and then "$6." It rang up as $12, which was 30% (or $6) off the original price. But I interpreted the ad to say that the sale price was $6. And I won. I rule.
This would go great with your ScrotumShorts.
Wait... isn't $6 33.333333333% of $18? In which case, you made even MORE of a killing.
dubin - In all honesty, EVERYTHING goes well with the ScrotumShorts. I'm gonna get married in those. And divorced.
law fairy - Numbers were rounded in my post. The actual retail price is...$16.99. Thanks for playing The Feud.
KPMD - Why do you think I bought it? For comfort and to hide my endless rolls of fat? No no no. Chicks dig the hoody. It's just one of the countless sacrifices that I have to make in order to appeal to the fairer sex.
You know, I can totally see my mom buying a hoody for Buddy. We were at PetSmart and they had leather bomber jackets for wee dogs and she was THIS CLOSE to buying one. It's only a matter of time before that dog becomes totally gay.
I forgot to add that even sexier is the fact that I name my hoodies.
Dammit! Foiled again in an attempted display of my own brilliance!
I'll get you next time, Gadget...
You may have gone to the "good" law school, but you ain't got the life experience, babe. :)
I thought your mom was kidding about the bomber jacket!
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