"We can spell."
It's back! Recent events have made college football seem pretty trivial (and in the grand scheme of things, it really is), but I'm glad it's back - if only to provide a temporary diversion. I'm going to settle in for a full day of pigskin goodness, with a break only to shower and exchange something at Old Navy. Go Buckeyes and Spiders!
But this is all just a warm-up until college basketball starts.
I pushed back the start of the online pool until next week since one of our players forgot to make his picks before he left to be in a wedding this weekend. So if anyone wants to be included, I'll send you the info on how to join (hey, it's free - what have you got to lose?).
EDIT to add that Channel 6's Anne Allred looked so damn cute in her OSU baby tee during the pre-game show. I can see a restraining order in my future.
yeah. for those reasons - and because the Bears suck! - i might actually watch some college football this year.
Pro football...I never had much use for it. I've grown to like it some over the years, but it still pales in comparison to college ball. But it's nice to take Sunday afternoon naps to.
Praise college ball!! I'll get on that football pool asap. I keep forgetting.
You better hope the Buckeyes aren't playing Michigan State this year, or else they're gonna get what Kent State got (49-14)! That is, if all the MSU players aren't brought up on assault charges first.
I went to tailgate and had four beers before noon. That pretty much shot a productive Saturday.
CB - Congrats on your alma mater's stunning success. My beloved Spiders lost their season opener against UMass on Thursday. I have a feeling it's going to be another one of those seasons. *sigh*
Dubin - Michigan State at OSU - Oct. 15 You will get the bitch-slapping Miami (OH) just got.
Isn't going to tailgate at a big-time sports school great? Definitely a different atmosphere than Richmond's.
i think they should stop the charade. call college football what it is: the minors - only with more parties and "tutors".
I might just have to make a road trip. If I don't feel like studying (well that pretty much confirmed it, huh?). It really doesn't matter who wins, as long as the program is lucrative and corrupt, and there's lots of booze involved.
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