Sunday, May 01, 2005

"Do you have Princess Leia in a can?"

We're still a few weeks from the opening of the last Star Wars flick, yet there's already people lined up at the Grauman Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, even though there's no guarentee that the movie will be showing in that theater. Wanna have some fun with some nerds?

The phone number for a pay phone next to the line is (323) 462-9609. Give 'em a call. You've got free night and weekend minutes, anyway.

And in case you missed it before, here's Triumph the Insult Comic Dog riffing on the people lining up for the last Star Wars movie. Hilarious stuff. To one of the few women in line he says, "You've got your veritable pick of the litter. You can choose from all kinds of guys who have no idea how to please you."


Kim said...

Triumph is a genius.

spydrz said...

I don't know how they can afford to stay there that long...

Hasselback said...

Yes Kim, I have to agree, pure genius.

Spyd, buddy, this is just proof that fungus can exist anywhere, even on the sidewalk in front of a movie theatre.

Oh, and by the way, just to make all of the uber-nerds jealous, since I'll be living 15 hours ahead of the mainland this month, I get to see the new movie first.

Perhaps I should call them during the film and ruin it completely.


Kate The Great said...

I'll only call them if I get to talk dirty to them. There's nothing sexier than a guy in a Chewbaca costume.

spydrz said...

George, you need to call from a cell phone during the movie and let the entire film play over the speaker there in LA LA land...that'd be funny.

Panthergirl said...

Oh, I love that clip!! I have a link on my blog to Triumph at Westminster...another classic.