Thursday, March 03, 2005

Another thing I don't get

Butt cleavage. Discuss.


spydrz said...

HA! Reminds me of the time in Klagenfurt when General Shelton invented the term "butt-fold shorts" to describe, well, you know.

Panthergirl said...

You don't like butt cleavage? How about toe cleavage? And speaking of toes, what about camel-toe?

I think a tiny bit of butt cleavage (on a woman) looks cool. However, I'm sure you've seen the pic on my blog of my son's photography teacher... now THAT ain't pretty...

Micah said...

spydrz - Butt folds: good. Butt cleavage: bad.

panthergirl - A bigger fan of traditional booby cleavage, I could not be. I find the butt cleavage to be trashy, though. It may be fine in the nudie bar, but not outside of it.

KPMD - Exposed thongs are kinda hot, yet trashy. So, I guess that I'm a hypocrite. At least you aren't in VA Beach anymore - acid washed jeans and high heels.

spydrz said...

This thread isn't as long as the Oscars one...we all need to buckle down and post!!

Kristen said...

When I was about 14, my brother and I saw the WORST plumber's crack ever in the produce aisle of a grocery store in Arizona: A chubby man was bent over the grapefruits, revealing enough crack to feed a whorehouse. We laughed so hard the man turned around and glared at us.

Now, any sort of peeping crack reminds me of that.

Panthergirl said...

OK, I should clarify. I don't think butt cleavage is cute in pants, but on a way-low-back gown, like Hilary Swank's, an itty bitty peek is ok.

I don't think thongs are sexy at ALL. The all-time best and sexiest women's underwear are lace boyshorts from VS. The ones with a peek o' cheek at the bottom.

Micah said...

Hilary Swank is a man, baby!

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting site...