Saturday, January 15, 2005

My favorite photograph

I'll be pretty much wrapped up in 24 for the next 20 hours, so today's post will feature my favorite photograph ever. Some people go for the WWII soldier kissing his girl. Others dig the one of the Cambodian guy with a gun to his head. My favorite photo is of jazz saxophonist Dexter Gordon...

I love black and white photos of jazz musicians. They just remind me of a bygone era of cool. I like this one the best. I'm not a smoker*, but the cigarette smoke just makes this picture. The photo is used for the cover of his Ballads compilation, which I highly recommend checking out.

*Although I am a fierce advocate for the rights of private property owners, but I'll save my rant against the Nanny State smoking bans for another day.


Robin said...

I've never seen that shot before, and I agree with you that it is absolutely fantastic! I'm a big fan of b&w photography, and if Hello! wasn't such a pain in the tookie, I'd post more myself.

Anonymous said...

i agree that b/w pictures are truly mystical and those of musicians can sometimes be brilliant. some of my favourite one would be those of a young Chet Baker, such as this one :

spydrz said...

HEy, I know you KPMD! Have you visited our other blog?

Micah said...

Kandace! I was going through my Site Meter stats and I was wondering who the hell'd spend 147 minutes and 31 seconds on my blog...especially on a Saturday night. Figures! Your lesser half is over in England, so you get a pass. Welcome aboard, partner. Glad to see Sim life is treating you well. I'm almost dead (in my Sim life, that is), but I can still make the ol' woo-hoo with my wife. Real life is much less amorous.

spydrz said...

Maybe it was the Fijian Bitter Beer? Oh wait, that's me. Beer made from the fine waters of the Fiji islands...yum.

Anonymous said...


Very nice blog :)

spydrz said...

Fifty an hour? Sign me up!

Micah said...

FFF and flirt - thanks for stopping by!

Denise said...

LOVE that picture - thanks for posting it! I got here by way of Blog Explosion, by the way.