Friday, January 14, 2005

If you're reading this in 2055, I am already dead

I just took one of those "when will I die?" tests here. The testmakers' methods weren't disclosed, but supposedly this is the brainchild of a couple of folks at the Harvard math department. Anyway, it predicts that I'll die in November 2054, likely of cancer. But hey, the average life span is 72.5 years and I made it all the way to 79.3 years. Celebrate good times - C'MON!

You know, if things stay the same way that they are now I don't think I want to live to 79.3 years of age. Picture your grandpa sitting there alone, playing video games, browsing for porn, blowing his Social Security check on music and movies, and living vicariously through your friend's grandparent's marriage. Hopefully, I'll have a dog.


spydrz said...

February 2058
at age 81

Anonymous said...

I'll die in July 2055 at 83 of cancer.


Kate The Great said...

2063 at 87.

Wow. I dunno if I wanna be here that long.

Laissez le bon temps roulez!

Micah said...

Ha! Years ago on a spring break trip to New Orleans I bought my friend this thing called a "Cajun in my Pocket." It was basically this little red gadget that would say different cajun phrases when you pressed its buttons. And that was one of the phrases. Only French is incomprehensible to me, so when I'd mimic it the words that came out of my mouth were complete gibberish. I tell ya, we had a lot of fun with that. "There's a cajun in my pocket!" "We're gonna pass a good time, cher!" HA HA HA!

I think that I'm going to check ebay...

Micah said...

Oh, and it sucks to be you guys. At least there's three funerals that I don't have to attend. Suckers!

spydrz said...

You also had that mega-mouth thing that changed your voice...

Kate The Great said...

I guess it's better to have a Cajun in your pocket than it is to have a Cajun in your pants...

Micah said...

Oh, schnap! I totally forgot about the mega mouth. I wonder what happened to that thing?

And nothing beats having a cajun in your pocket. Unless it's Adam Sandler from "The Waterboy" because that movie completely, totally, utterly sucked.

Micah said...

Well, doesn't the law profession have a high suicide rate? I know that we're all alcoholics.

Karen Funk Blocher said...

I took a "How Will You Die?" quiz on some other site a while back. It wasn't a real quiz; it just asked for a LiveJournal screen name(?!) and spat out a random result. It said I would die at age 54 of murder. This didn't exactly make my day. If it were true, I'd only have about 6 or 7 years left to live. And who am I going to annoy so much that he or she is actually willing to kill me over it?

I posted the result on LJ, which is down right now. If you care to peek later, though, it's at (scroll down).