Sunday, January 16, 2005

24 Hour Party People Part II

6:23 PM - Well, it took me 47 hours and 36 minutes, but I finished season one of 24. I was riveted! Bring on season 2. Just a few observations:

-Boy, everyone's relatively fresh-faced for being up for 24+ hours. Last summer my buddies and I were up for over 30 hours straight for my best friend's bachelor party in Vegas and we all were super sluggish and barely coherent towards the end. Of course, entering a nudie bar at night and leaving in broad daylight will do that to you.
-Dennis Hopper's accent was laughable.
-Although very cute, Kim is an idiot. If she were a real person I'd say thank God for that ass, because she's not going to get through life with her brains. And, really, how many times in one day can someone be kidnapped/held against her will?
-Sen. Palmer's wife is a Class A-1 Royal Queen of the Harpies.
-Every time I heard the name Chappelle (the top CTU guy - I think), all I could think of was "I'm rich, beyotch!"
-Nina: I didn't see that coming at all. When I start season 2, I'm not going to trust anyone.
-Why is Kiefer Sutherland's introduction to season one on disc 6?
-And what kind of name is "Kiefer"?

Okay, I'm in dire need of a shower.


spydrz said...

Ahh, Nina. You'll enjoy the second season :)

spydrz said...

By the way, "Kiefer" is the German word for jaw. At least he isn't named "Oberschenkel."

Micah said...

This could only be one person - how's my favorite ragin' cajun/jersey metrosexual?

Micah said...

Not bad. Just bar studyin'. It snowed today, which is nice. And gonna pick up season 2 from my friend tomorrow.

Enjoy Mardi Gras. Shame there's not a Phat Saturday this year. Have you and Alva hooked up yet?

As for the Golden Globes...I just don't care. Never did. Not to be xenophobic, but it's the foreign press. C'mon! I'm hoping to have another Oscar pool this year. If Yahoo doesn't offer it (like they didn't last year), I'll just do it on my own.

Geez, now that I know a bunch of my friends read this blog, I can't write any dirt about y'all.

Micah said...

Then what does "Topher" mean?

Enhanced - believe her. When I went to visit last week, she had the eye of the tiger.

spydrz said...

It's short for Christopher.

Micah said...

Makes sense. I usually go by Cah.

spydrz said...

That makes it easier to remember, Cah.

Micah said...

Well, it was Jerry Orbach.

(too soon?)

spydrz said...

I've been missing out on Hollywood since my free EW subscription ran out...but it'd probably cut into my daytime tv viewing.

Micah said...

Yeah, that whole lesbian thing caught me off guard. The main story itself pretty much sucked. It was the first one that I've seen with Dennis Farina.

Phones, letters, e-mail, chat rooms? Bah! Those all are so Sept. 10th. In the future, all human contact will be through comments in blogs.

spydrz said...

I'm with Micah. Nothing like indirect contact.

spydrz said...

IMDB is a perfectly viable place for information...

Micah said...

And you probably also read US Weekly. Ha ha ha!

No more Sept. 10th references. They're hella-lame.

spydrz said...

So are you watching Season Two during this marathon blogging session? I think there are more comments on this post now than even on my "Best Movie Lines Ever" post on my blog.

spydrz said...

But the last post on there was about football!

Micah said...

Nah - I'm returning season one to my friend tomorrow (provided that our snowy streets are clear). I'll pick up season two then. This one'll take a bit longer since I have my review class this week.

Micah said...

Some of us with post-graduate degrees are pretty scare of that place, too. And I'm a contributor!

spydrz said...

Kim Bauer is significantly improved in Season Two. Although I can't speak of a reduction in abductions.

spydrz said...

Joe, I guess we shouldn't use the term "nutjob" around him then?

Micah said...

KPMD - get used to feeling like a user because when we all share that communal house in the DC Metro area, this will be how we talk to each other.

spydrz said...

Whatever happened to FunfaxVA? He dropped off the blog real quick.

Micah said...

A "user" is an indunstry term for "loser," BTW.

More Kim ain't bad - she's easy on the eyes. Lord knows that some of us bought "Girl Next Door" - *cough*16:9*cough*. Her character is just an idiot.

Micah said...

And "indunstry" is longhand for "industry."

Yeah, where is our favorite lil' 'brew that made out with two women?

spydrz said...

But a very attractive idiot. Some things can be overlooked. Kudos, 16:9, for doing what I can't bring myself to do...approaching the checkout with that DVD in hand.

spydrz said...

Joe, I understand that there are certain...sympathies to be had...I was referring more to his job at PMSNBC...

spydrz said...

So did Clinton explain the blue dress?

Micah said...

No, I specifically recommended "My Pet Goat."

spydrz said...

Not sure I'm familiar with that.

spydrz said...

Ah, my "bad." I didn't notice that. Cocktail parties are fun. I'm having one by myself right now.

Micah said...

Actually, cocktail parties are quite fun. Had a Christmas one. Bought too much booze, though. Why did I buy that bottle of butterscotch schnapps? Oh well - I'm being creative. It's not bad when mixed with hot chocolate (a concoction that I'm drinking right now).

16:9 - you got that phat pad. Invite those Eastern European ladies of the night over.

spydrz said...

The normals? Where is K.T.G.?
As for cocktails, I have just completed a magnum of Heineken that I received as a gift. 1.5L of Dutch bliss.

Micah said...

'Night, babe. You have a big day full of bourbon and pills ahead of you.

spydrz said...

What was the quote from "Family Guy?" "I guess that means you'll smell like bourbon and vicodin." Well, to all the former Virginians out there, I'd like to point out that there's less than an hour until the official start of Lee-Jackson-King Day.

Micah said...

Thanks, Chris. Glad you stopped by.

spydrz said...

Have a good night, 16:9. As the historian of our group, I should point out the reason for the triple holiday. Lee-Jackson Day existed before MLKJR day. It was meant as a celebration of their birthdays, the 21at and 22nd, respectively. When the Feds mandated MLKJR day, it just happened to fall on the same date.

Micah said...

Yeah, I'm gonna be hittin' the ol' dusty trail, myself.

This has been fun, guys. Loserific, but fun.

spydrz said...

Well, happy dreams of an intelligent Kim Bauer to all.

spydrz said...

I'm with Mindy on the book-fire. Not in like, and evil Third Reich kind of way, but in an anti-Clinton kind of way.

spydrz said...

Of course, the Clinton book wouldn't have to be burned if it resided in the correct section of the bookstore...namely, "fiction."
I have to resist the German urge also. Not only do I have that background, I am fluent in their language.

spydrz said...

That sounds ok to me.

spydrz said...

Well I guess I'm the last one here. Hello? Echo...echo...echo.
In summation, 24 rocks!

Anonymous said...

I have the new season taped. I think you're inspriring me to go watch it now!!!

spydrz said...

Nope!! Ronin's on TNT :) Even though I have the DVD, there's something about seeing it on that scene in the city center of Paris with that all-aluminum S8 Audi chase...

Kate The Great said...

Oh Spydrz... so touched you asked about me :) I am just returning to the blogosphere after a weekend off (check my post.) Playing hookey today (am I a badgirl?) and enjoying every minute of it. I suppose I'm practicing for the coming world of unemployment :)

spydrz said...

But of course!